Botongon is a Barangay in Estancia City in the northern part of Iloilo Province, on the island of Panay. Part of the Barangay is a squatter’s compound… most of which is being torn down to make room for a new grocery store.
There are many families who are losing their homes and are displaced. So, they are having to move in with relatives or throw together a makeshift home. There are many children in this area and we are trying to reach them for Christ. We started out with just a few and after one month have around 17 kids on average.,
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Barangay GoGo
Barangay GoGo has a huge development of government built projects called Pabahay. There are four main section and each section is a different color. These dwellings were built after a couple of powerful typhoons destroyed hundreds of homes. The government actually awarded these units to people free of charge. There are nothing but one room with concrete walls and floors, and metal roofs with no ceiling. The people are responsible to finish the unit. Many people do not have the money so they live in them just like they are. There is no running water in the developments so people have to pay to have water delivered.
Janice was awarded one of these units because she was a widow with children. It is in her unit that we have our Kingdom Kids Club.